《Wele to the Black Parade》 When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city, To see a marg band. He said, “Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, The beaten and the damned?” He said, “Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made? Because one day, I`ll leave you, A phantom to lead you in the summer, To join the black parade.” When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city, To see a marg band. He said, “Son when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, The beaten and the damned?” …… …… …… 这首歌几乎变成了全场大合唱,似乎全国各地的歌迷都赶来了现场,只为在这一刻加入这场黑色游行,完成庆祝这支乐队回归的仪式感。 现场不少歌迷都激动地哭了,不知是太爱这首歌,还是舍不得与这场狂欢告别。 江焱不知什么时候放开了陆辰辞的肩膀,当陆辰辞意识到这件事并转头看向他,发现他脸上反射着一道远处舞台上的灯光——他也哭了。 他在跟着唱,唱的很好听,只是声音带着些许的嘶哑和颤抖。 泪水沿着他的脸颊滑落,他浑然不知,却敏锐地察觉到陆辰辞落在自己脸上的目光。 他转头回望陆辰辞,这才意识到自己哭了,眼前已经一片模糊。 他抬起胳膊在脸上胡乱抹了一把,然后不好意思地笑了:“真丢脸……你能不能假装没看到?” 陆辰辞把一包纸巾塞到他手里:“不丢脸。” Sometimes I get the feeling, she`s watg over me. And other times I feel like I should go. When through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies ireets. And when yone we want you all to know—— We`ll Carry on, We`ll Carry on And though you`re dead and gone, believe me Your memory will Carry on We`ll Carry on And in my heart, I `t tain it, The anthem won`t explain it. 这首歌让江焱再度陷入回忆。 在火山熔岩还没有正式成立的时候,他们喜欢的乐队MCR在大洋彼岸发布了这首《Wele To Black Parade》,十四岁的江焱爱死了这首歌,到处拉人临时组了个乐队,想要排练这首歌,在学校的跨年晚会上表演。 然而这首歌旋律层次丰富,编曲结构复杂,网上又找不到现成的乐谱,大家都不想扒谱,于是江焱独自花了好几天时间,把整支乐谱一点一点扒了出来,然后又花费很大精力做了改编。 改编这样一支复杂曲目的难度不亚于写一首新歌,这对于少年江焱来说是一件超有成就感的事,然而大家拿到乐谱都傻了眼,觉得太超出能力范围了。文崇飞劝江焱放弃,理由是这首歌表演难度太高,而且蕴含太多愤怒的、复杂的情绪,不适合初中生。 文崇飞:“阿焱,这首歌不适合我们,它太复杂了。” 江焱:“但我们都很喜欢这首歌啊。” 文崇飞:“你喜欢天上的月亮,不代表你要把它摘下来。” 他们最终放弃了表演这首歌,但并江焱并不认为天上的月亮不能摘。 年少的江焱曾经有过很多理想,他选择最重要的那个去努力实现。他把全部精力和热情投入到自己的乐队中,朝着天上的月亮伸出一只手,然后感觉自己后背一点一点长出翅膀。他离月亮越来越近,感觉只要再坚持一下就能触碰到,却在二十一岁那年突然从半空中摔了下来。 A world that sends you reeling, from decimated dreams, Your misery and hate will kill us all. So paint it blad take it back, Let`s shout out loud and clear, Defiant to the end We hear the call. To Carry on, We`ll Carry on, And though you`re dead and gone, believe me Your memory will Carry on We`ll Carry on. And though you`re broken aed, Your weary widow marches, On and on we carry through the fears Ooh hoh hoh Disappointed faces of your peers Ooh hoh hoh Take a look at me, `cause I could not care at all. Do or die, You`ll never make me. Because the world will ake my heart. Go and try, you`ll never break me. We want it all, we lay this part. I won`t explain or say I`m sorry. I`m unashamed, I`m gonna show my scar. Give a cheer for all the broken. Listen here, because it`s who we are. I`m just a man, I`m not a hero. Just a boy, who wanna sing his song. I`m just a man, I`m not a hero. I — don`t — care! We`ll Carry on, We`ll Carry on And though you`re dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on! You`ll carry on And though you`re broken aed, Your weary widow marches on. Do or die, You`ll never make me. Because the world will ake my heart. Go and try, you`ll never break me. We want it all, we lay this part. --